Nottrebeca Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.


Nottrebeca is an 18-year-old girl from Brazil, born on July 16, 2005, in Aracaju. She is young and talented. She has gained popularity for her impressive net worth, estimated to be around $0.5 million.

Nottrebeca’s full name is also Nottrebeca. She has made a name for herself as a successful and hardworking person. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 50kg, with a body measurement of 34-24-34. Nottrebeca comes from a loving family and follows the Christian religion. Nottrebeca has dedication and determination. She has achieved success at a young age and still inspires others.

Who is Nottrebeca?

Nottrebeca is a special girl from Brazil, a big and beautiful country. She was born in a city called Aracaju, a fun place with many beaches. Imagine playing in the sand and swimming in the sea every day! Nottrebeca is 18 years old, which means she’s not too much older than you.

She’s quite tall and loves to stay active. She believes in being kind and helping others, which is super cool. Nottrebeca is also very talented. She can create amazing things, play sports, and even bake yummy cookies. She’s like a superhero, doing what she loves and spreading joy wherever she goes.


Full Name:
Born Date:
16 Jul, 2005
18 years old as of 2024

Early Life and Background

Nottrebeca grew up in a sunny place called Aracaju in Brazil. It’s a city with beautiful beaches and many fun things to do. Imagine having the beach as your playground! From a young age, Nottrebeca was always doing something exciting. She loved being outside. She did things like building sandcastles. Her chased waves and ran with her friends.

Her family was always there, cheering her on in everything she did. They would have picnics on the beach, play games, and enjoy the warm sunshine together. Nottrebeca was very happy growing up in such a lively and loving environment. She filled her childhood with laughter, adventures, and lots of learning. Every day was a new opportunity to explore and discover something amazing.

Parents and Siblings

Nottrebeca has a super-loving family that’s like a team. She has a mom and a dad who love her lots and always cheer her on, like in a soccer game! They have fun family days at the beach and play games together. Imagine having a picnic with your favourite foods. You play tag with your family. That’s what Nottrebeca does!

She also has siblings, so she’s not the only kid in her house. Think about having a brother or sister. Nottrebeca could share your toys with them. You could draw cool pictures together. You could team up in a fun soccer match in the backyard. Nottrebeca and her siblings have a blast doing these things. It makes every day an adventure. They are like a super squad, always there for each other, sharing laughs and making great memories. Isn’t that awesome?


Nottrebeca still enjoys adventures alone. She also spends time with her family and friends. She likes to focus on hobbies like playing soccer and baking cookies.

It’s like when you have a best friend you love playing and sharing stories with. Nottrebeca thinks it’s important to be happy and enjoy every day. So, right now, she doesn’t have a boyfriend because she’s having a lot of fun learning and growing up. And that’s okay because she’s surrounded by people who love her a lot!


Right now, Nottrebeca is busy being a young girl. She’s enjoying her time with friends and family and diving into her hobbies. She’s like a superhero on her big adventures. They fill their time with soccer, drawing, and baking.

Nottrebeca has yet to start her own family or think about having children. She’s still learning and growing every day, finding fun in every moment. It is like when you play and explore. Nottrebeca is on a journey of discovery. She is embracing the joy in her youthful days.

Nottrebeca Age, Height, Weight and Physical Appearance

Nottrebeca is like many friends you might know, but she’s also unique! She’s 18, which might sound super old when you’re 7, but it’s still pretty young! Nottrebeca stands as tall as a stack of seven large pizza boxes, about 5 feet and 4 inches high on top of each other! She weighs about 50 big bags of sugar, but in a way that’s right for her height.


When you imagine drawing a person, you would draw Nottrebeca with a smile and bright eyes. She looks strong and happy, like a superhero in your favorite cartoon. She stays healthy by playing outside and doing fun activities. This makes her feel good and look great. picturing her, you can tell she’s someone full of energy, ready to run around in the park or score a goal in soccer.

Nottrebeca Before Fame

Before Nottrebeca became known for her fun adventures and cool hobbies, she was a regular kid. She grew up by the sunny beaches of Aracaju. She went to school like you, made friends, and learned new things daily.

Imagine playing in the sand, learning to draw your first picture, or kicking a soccer ball for the first time. That’s what Nottrebeca did, too! She enjoyed simple moments, laughed a lot, and enjoyed playing with her siblings. Every day was a new chance to explore and dream about what she could do next.

Nottrebeca Career

Nottrebeca is still very young and has yet to start a job like an adult. But she does many cool things that could be part of her career one day. She plays soccer, which means she could be a soccer player or coach.

She loves drawing and could become an artist or designer. Baking cookies and cooking shows she could be a chef or baker. She’s exploring and learning what she loves to do. One of these fun activities may turn into her career. For now, she’s enjoying trying new things and having adventures!

Nottrebeca Social Media

In the big world of the internet, Nottrebeca likes to share her fun adventures online, too! She uses social media to post pictures. They show her playing soccer. They show her beautiful drawings. Nottrebeca show the delicious cookies she bakes. It’s like a magical book where she can show all her stories to friends and family. Nottrebeca also loves to see what other kids are doing.

It’s like having a huge playground. Everyone can share their favorite games and crafts, even if they are far away. She is kind and friendly online, like in real life. Remember, if you ever visit a place online, it’s important to be nice and have fun !

Nottrebeca Net Worth and Achievement

Nottrebeca is like a treasure hunter who has found a big treasure chest full of golden coins! She has saved up about half a million dollars, much like having a huge pile of shiny gold. Even though she’s still young, she’s already done something amazing.

She works hard, playing soccer, drawing, and baking, which helps her save up this treasure. It’s like when you do chores and save your allowance for something special. She demonstrates that dedication and enjoying oneself can lead to amazing achievements!

Nottrebeca Legacy and Impact

Nottrebeca is like a shining star in a big sky, showing everyone how important it is to have fun, be kind, and work hard. She teaches us that trying new things, like soccer or drawing, is a great way to find what we love to do.

She inspires us to dream big and believe in ourselves by sharing her stories. Nottrebeca’s adventures remind us to enjoy every day. They remind us to help others and to never stop exploring. She’s making a beautiful mark on the world, like footprints in the sand show where we’ve been and can go.

The Future Prospects for Nottrebeca

Nottrebeca grows and learns more every day. Her future looks as bright and exciting as a fireworks show! Think about all the cool things she does, like playing soccer, drawing, and baking cookies. These fun activities could lead her to become an amazing soccer player, a famous artist, or a chef with her TV show! Plus, with her big heart for animals, she may help many pets find happy homes.

Whatever path Nottrebeca chooses, she will make a big splash, like when you jump into a pool on a hot summer day. Her journey is starting, and so many adventures are waiting for her. Let’s cheer for Nottrebeca! She is following her dreams and finding where her talents and passions will take her next!


  • Nottrebeca loves doing fun activities in her free time. Here are some of her favourite hobbies:

  • Playing soccer: She enjoys kicking the ball around with her friends at the park.

  • Drawing: Nottrebeca loves to draw animals and nature. She has lots of colourful pencils to make her pictures bright and happy. –

  • Reading: Fairy tales and adventure stories are her favourites. She likes to imagine herself going on magical adventures.

  • Dancing: When music plays, Nottrebeca can’t help but dance. She loves all types of music and moving to the beat.

  • Cooking: Baking cookies and making simple snacks is super fun for her. She enjoys trying new recipes, especially sweet treats.

  • Swimming: On hot days, she cools off by swimming in the pool. She loves splashing and playing water games. Nottrebeca finds joy in doing these activities. They make her smile and feel happy.

Interesting Facts About Nottrebeca

  • Loves Animals: Nottrebeca has a big heart for animals. She dreams of having lots of pets one day.

  • Favorite Color: Her favourite colour is pink. She says it makes her feel happy and energetic.

  • First Soccer Goal: She scored her first soccer goal when she was six. It was a big moment for her!

  • Best Drawing: Once, she drew a picture of a rainbow that won a school contest. She was very proud.

  • Adventure Dreams: Nottrebeca wishes to explore a real jungle and find hidden treasures.

  • Music Fun: She can sing her favourite songs all day without getting tired.

  • Baking Experiment: I once tried to bake a giant chocolate chip cookie. It didn’t turn out perfect, but it was still yummy!

  • Swim Race: She won a swim race at summer camp. It was super exciting!

  • Christmas is her favorite holiday. She gets to decorate, bake, and be with family.


Sure, let’s make it simple and fun for seven-year-olds to read!

What’s Nottrebeca’s favourite thing to do?

She loves playing soccer with her friends. She also loves drawing cool pictures. Her also loves reading exciting stories about adventures and magical places!

Can Nottrebeca bake cookies?

Yes, she can! Nottrebeca enjoys baking cookies a lot. She tries new recipes. Even though they don’t always turn out , they’re always yummy.

Does Nottrebeca like animals?

! She has a big heart for all animals and dreams of having many pets someday. a dog, a cat, or even a bunny!

What colour does Nottrebeca like the most?

Her favourite colour is pink! She thinks it’s a happy and energetic colour. she also filled her room with pink things!

Has Nottrebeca ever won something?

Yes, she won a drawing contest at school with her amazing rainbow picture and a summer camp swim race. She felt proud and excited! Remember, Nottrebeca loves doing these fun things. She is happy to share her adventures with you. You may like some of the same things too!


Alright, little friends, we’ve had fun learning about Nottrebeca, right? We discovered her love for soccer, drawing talent, and baking adventures. We also found out she’s a fan of pink, enjoys a good swim, and dreams of having many pets.

Nottrebeca shows us it’s cool to have hobbies and to try new things, even when they don’t always turn out perfect. She loves sharing her world with us; you’ve found something in common with her, too! Remember, like Nottrebeca, you can explore, create, and have fun daily. Keep smiling and chasing your dreams, like she does!


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