Tristin Fazekas Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Tristin Fazekas

Tristin Fazekas is a talented actor. He is from Detroit, Michigan. He has been making waves in Hollywood. Tristin was born in 1990, which makes him 34 years old in 2024. He is a devoted ChrisTristin Fazekas Net Worth, Age, Height, and Weight. He is also a member of the Fazekas family. His graduated from Cass Technical High School. After finishing school, he followed his dreams. He moved to Los Angeles, California to start a career in acting. Since then, he has appeared in several films, including Forbidden and Escape Plan:

The Extractors. In 2019, Tristin married Ebony Taylor Fazekas, who is also an actress and producer. He stands at 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 78kg. By 2024, experts estimate that Tristin will have a net worth of $5 million. Keep reading to learn more about this rising star!”

Who is Tristin Fazekas?

Tristin Fazekas is someone who plays pretend for his job – he’s an actor! That means he gets to be different people in movies. He gets to tell stories that can make you laugh, cry, or even jump from excitement.

Imagine dressing up and playing make-believe every day. But, it’s on big screens where lots of people can see you. Tristin grew up a lot like you, with dreams and hobbies. He loves to draw, play basketball, and he thinks dogs are the best. Tristin shows us that with hard work, we can turn our dreams into reality, like he did.


Tristin Fazekas
Birth Date
Detroit, Michigan, USA
By Profession
34 Years old as of 2024

Real Name

Tristin Fazekas is his real name! Sometimes actors use different names when they’re in movies, but not Tristin. He likes his name the way it is. It’s special, like him.

Tristin Fazekas

When he introduces himself in movies or to new friends, he says, “Hi, I’m Tristin Fazekas.” And that’s pretty cool, Using your real name means you’re proud of who you are, and Tristin definitely is. So, next time you see him on TV, remember, that’s his real name!

Early Life and Education – The Foundations of a Future Star

Tristin Fazekas grew up in a place called Detroit. When he was young, like you, he went to school and learned lots of cool things. He also loved to play and dream about being in movies. Tristin went to a big school named Cass Technical High School.

It’s a place where lots of kids learn how to be great at what they love to do. Tristin worked hard in school. He knew that learning is a magic key. It opens doors to all your dreams. And guess what? His hard work and learning helped him become the star he is today!

Parents and Siblings

Tristin Fazekas keeps a little mystery about his family. It’s like a superhero keeping his identity secret. He hasn’t talked much about his mom, dad, brothers, or sisters. It’s like in your favorite cartoons. Characters go on adventures and keep secrets. Tristin’s family details are his secret.

Even without knowing about his family, we can imagine them cheering for him. It’s like your family does for you during a school play or a soccer game. Tristin’s story reminds us that everyone has their own special family story.

Tristin Fazekas Wife

Tristin’s heart is full of love for a special lady named Ebony Taylor Fazekas. She is not his wife but also a partner in making movies. Imagine having your best friend help you tell stories to the whole world through films. That’s what Tristin and Ebony do together!

They got married in 2019. So, they’ve been sharing smiles, hugs, and even some of their favorite desserts since then. Ebony is not Tristin’s wife. She’s his teammate in life. They create wonderful stories that people enjoy.

Tristin Fazekas Children

Tristin Fazekas and his wife, Ebony Taylor Fazekas, have had many adventures together. But, they haven’t shared the adventure of having children yet. Like in some families, for now it’s the two of them. They fill their days with making movies and creating stories. Imagine having the whole world as your playground. There, you can explore and dream together.

That’s what Tristin and Ebony are doing – exploring life’s big adventure, hand in hand. And who knows? one day, their duo might turn into a trio or more. But for now, they enjoy each other’s company. They also have furry dog friends who wag their tails and fill their home with joy.

Tristin Fazekas Physical Attributes – Height and Weight

Do you know how tall Tristin Fazekas is? He’s as tall as five feet and eight inches! Imagine if you stacked five big rulers on top of each other, and then added a little more. That’s how tall he is!

And for his weight, he’s 78kg, which is like if you had seventy-eight bags of sugar all together. That might sound like a lot, but it’s right for someone as tall as he is. Tristin is the right size to be strong for his movies and to play basketball, one of his favorite hobbies.

Tristin Fazekas Before Fame

Long before the bright lights of Hollywood, Tristin Fazekas was a kid with big dreams in Detroit. He went to school, played with friends, and had fun like you. Back then, he loved watching movies and acting them out in his backyard.

Tristin was always the star of his imaginary movies. He used costumes to become anyone he wanted. He believed in his dreams, even when they were make-believe stories. Every day was an adventure, waiting to see where his imagination would take him next. Isn’t it cool how dreams start small and grow big?

Tristin Fazekas Career

Tristin Fazekas plays in movies, which is like a super fun job! Imagine playing dress-up but as a job where lots of people watch you on a big screen. He started acting in movies in 2017, pretending to be different characters in stories.

Tristin got to be in a movie called “Weight,” and then he was in others like “Forbidden” and “Escape Plan: The Extractors.” Acting means he gets to tell stories without a book. He does it using costumes and pretending. Every movie he’s in is like a new adventure, where he can be anyone he wants to be!

Tristin Fazekas Net Worth

Imagine you saved all your allowance and one day you found out it turned into a mountain of toys. That’s a bit like Tristin Fazekas and his money from acting in movies. Tristin has saved and earned enough money to called a millionaire by the year 2024!

That means he has $5 million. It’s like if you had 5 million jellybeans! Tristin worked hard in his movies. He played pretend and told stories. This helped him save up all this money. Isn’t it cool how playing and working hard can turn into something so big?

Tristin Fazekas Famous Reason

Tristin acted in a movie called “Weight,” which was the first time many people saw him. Then, he was in more movies like “Forbidden” and “Escape Plan: The Extractors.” When Tristin acts, he becomes different people in exciting stories. That’s how he shares adventures with us, even if we’re sitting on our couch at home. That’s why Tristin Fazekas is famous!

Tristin Fazekas Nationality And Religion

Tristin Fazekas is from a place called the United States, which means he’s American. That’s a country far away from some places and close to others. It’s like when you look at a map and see where you are, and then you see another spot that’s the United States.

And Tristin believes in God in a special way; he’s a Christian. This means he goes to church, prays, and follows teachings from the Bible. Tristin celebrates his faith with others who believe the same. They do this, like some people who go to different places to learn and celebrate what they believe.

Tristin Fazekas Legacy and Impact

Tristin Fazekas is like a superhero in his movies, making a big splash on the big screen and in people’s hearts. He hasn’t been in movies for very long. But, he shows everyone. He shows especially kids like you. He shows that following your dreams can lead to amazing places.

By acting in stories, Tristin helps us see and feel exciting adventures. In them, we find laughter and, sometimes, tears. He teaches us to be brave, to believe in ourselves, and to never give up on our dreams, like the heroes in comic books. Tristin’s movies and the characters he plays inspire us to be our best selves.

Tristin Fazekas Future Plains

Tristin Fazekas has big dreams for the future! He wants to act in more movies, even ones he writes himself. Tristin thinks it would be cool to be a superhero or explore outer space in a film. He also plans to keep playing with dogs, making delicious treats, and drawing fun pictures.

Plus, he hopes to travel to new places with his wife, Ebony, and make even more stories together. It’s like when you imagine what you’ll be when you grow up. Tristin is always dreaming about his next big adventure!


  • Playing with Dogs: Tristin loves to spend time playing with his fluffy friends. He believes dogs are the best companions.

  • Watching Cartoons: Even though he’s grown up, Tristin enjoys watching cartoons. He says they make him laugh and feel happy.

  • Drawing: Tristin likes to draw pictures. Sometimes he draws cartoons he watches or scenes from his favorite movies.

  • Cooking: He finds cooking fun. Tristin tries to make new dishes, especially sweets, because he loves desserts.

  • Reading Comic Books: Tristin enjoys reading comic books. His favorite heroes inspire him to be brave and kind.

  • Playing Basketball: He enjoys playing basketball with his friends. It helps him stay fit and healthy.

  • Gardening: Tristin has a small garden where he grows flowers and vegetables. He likes to take care of plants and watch them grow.

Interesting Facts About Tristin Fazekas 

  • Tristin moved to a big city called Los Angeles to be in movies.

  • He was in a movie named “Weight” for the first time in 2017.

  • Tristin married to Ebony, who makes movies too!

  • They have been together since they got married in 2019.

  • He is not very tall, but not too short either – like a lot of dads!

  • Tristin thinks dogs are awesome friends.

  • He loves to watch cartoons that make him laugh.

  • Drawing pictures is fun for him, especially of cartoons and heroes.

  • Making yummy food, especially sweets, is something he enjoys.

  • Reading stories about superheroes in comic books is super cool to him.

  • Playing basketball is one of his favorite ways to exercise.

  • He has a garden where he grows beautiful flowers and tasty vegetables.


Alright, kids! Let’s answer some questions you might have about Tristin Fazekas.

How old is Tristin Fazekas?

He’s 34 years old! Imagine all the birthday candles!

Where did Tristin grow up?

He grew up in a place called Detroit, but now he lives in Los Angeles where he acts in movies.

Does Tristin have any brothers or sisters?

We don’t really know. He likes to keep that a secret!

Who is Tristin married to?

He’s married to Ebony Taylor Fazekas. She makes movies too, like Tristin!

What are some things Tristin likes to do?

He loves playing with dogs. His also likes watching cartoons, drawing, and cooking tasty foods. He enjoys reading comic books, playing basketball, and gardening.

What movies was Tristin in?

He acted in movies like “Weight,” “Forbidden,” “Escape Plan: The Extractors,” and “Code of Thieves.”

How tall is Tristin?

He’s 5 feet 8 inches tall. That’s like stacking almost six one-foot rulers on top of each other! I hope that answers all your fun questions about Tristin Fazekas!


So, we’ve learned a lot about Tristin Fazekas today, haven’t we? From his early days in Detroit to his big adventure moving to Los Angeles to become an actor. Tristin shows us that if you work hard and follow your dreams, you can do anything you want – like being in movies! He also reminds us that it’s important to have fun.

Tristin enjoys life by playing with dogs. He also likes watching funny cartoons and making delicious food. Remember, no matter how grown-up you get, it’s okay to love cartoons and comic books like Tristin does. Like Tristin, loving what you do and sharing it with others makes everything better. His wife Ebony does this too. Let’s keep our dreams big and our hearts open, like Tristin Fazekas.


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