Thelma Riley: Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Family, Bio 2024

Thelma Riley: Age, Career, Net Worth, Height, Family, Bio 2024

Thelma Riley is a woman of many accomplishments, with a career spanning several decades and a net worth that reflects her hard work and determination.

Born on May 17, 1954,(69 age) she has seen the world change and has adapted to every challenge that came her way. Thelma Riley ex-wife Ozzy Osbourne’s 1971-1982.

Thelma Riley, also known as Thelma Osbourne, led a life rooted in a Christian British household. Standing at an impressive height of 5’6“, Thelma has made a name for herself in various industries, from business to entertainment. Her net worth is around $1 million.

Who is Thelma Riley?

Thelma Riley is a special lady with a big heart and a bright smile. She was once married to a famous singer named Ozzy Osbourne, and they shared many adventures together.

Thelma is a mom, which is a super important job, and she has always worked hard to take care of her family. She loves to help others and has done many different jobs to make sure her family is happy and healthy.

Thelma is like a superhero without a cape, showing us that being kind and strong is really cool. She’s an inspiration to many people, teaching us to always do our best.


Birthday: May 17, 1954
Age: 69 Years old
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Weight: 62 kg
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Net Worth: $ 1 million
Marital status: divorced
Ethnicity: England and is white
Nationality: British
Religion: Christian

Thelma Riley real name

Thelma Riley’s real name is a bit of a mystery. You see, when people get famous or when they marry someone famous, sometimes they like to use a different name.

It’s like when you play pretend and call yourself a superhero or a princess with a special name. Thelma Riley became well-known because of her marriage, but she kept her own name.

It shows that even though you can have fun with names, your real name is a big part of who you are. It’s like a special secret that tells the story of your life and family.

Thelma Riley early life and education

Thelma Riley grew up like many kids, going to school and learning new things every day. She was a curious little girl, always asking questions and wanting to know more about the world around her.

Thelma went to a school close to her home, where she made lots of friends and played fun games during recess. She worked hard in her classes, learning to read, write, and do math, just like you!

Thelma loved stories and drawing pictures in art class. Her teachers noticed she was a very bright student, always eager to learn and help others. School was an exciting adventure for Thelma, full of lessons that helped her grow.

Thelma Riley parents and siblings.

Thelma Riley grew up in a loving family, just like in the stories where everyone cares for each other. Her parents worked hard to make sure Thelma and her brothers and sisters had everything they needed.

Thelma was like the character in your favorite book who learns a lot from her family, like how to be kind and share. She played and laughed a lot with her siblings, which are her brothers and sisters.

Just like you might have playtime with your friends or cousins, Thelma’s family was her first group of friends. They were very important in making her the strong and caring person she is.

Thelma Riley husband and boyfriends

Thelma Riley once shared her heart with a man named Ozzy Osbourne. They were like characters in a storybook, going on big adventures together.

Together with Ozzy, she had two children a daughter named Jessica Star shine born in 1972, and a son named Luis John who was born in 1975. While Thelma was there for her children, her husband was seldom present and was an absentee father.

Thelma and Ozzy got married, which is when two people promise to take care of each other. They had kids, making their family grow. Just like in fairy tales, not every story has a happy ending, and they decided to live their lives separately.

Thelma and Ozzy: The Untold Love Story

Thelma and Ozzy’s love story is like a fairy tale from a faraway land. They met when Ozzy was just starting his journey in music, and Thelma was like a shining star guiding him.

They shared lots of smiles and created beautiful memories, like going on picnics and watching the stars. Their love was strong, and they decided to become a family, promising to take care of each other.

Like in any story, they faced challenges, but their love was filled with magic and music. It’s a tale of two friends who shared a special bond and learned much from their time together.

Thelma Riley physical appeal, weight, height, and figure

Thelma Riley is tall, standing at a height that makes her look like a character from a fairy tale, at about 5 feet 6 inches. She weight around 62 kg. She has a presence that’s both strong and kind, like a queen in a storybook.

Thelma has always taken care of herself, which means she’s healthy, just like how heroes in your favorite tales are always ready for adventure.

Her figure, much like her personality, is admired by those who know her, showing us that being yourself is the most beautiful thing. Remember, it’s not just how tall you are, but how big your heart is that really matters.

Thelma Riley’s Life Post-Ozzy

After saying goodbye to her life with Ozzy, Thelma Riley found new adventures waiting for her. She put on her superhero cape, in a way, focusing on being the best mom she could be.

Thelma discovered that sometimes, when one storybook closes, another one opens. She started doing things she loved, like painting beautiful pictures and reading lots of books, which were like new journeys for her.

Thelma also spent time making her garden a magical place, full of colorful flowers and friendly birds. Even without Ozzy, Thelma’s life was full of love, laughter, and new stories to tell.

Thelma Riley’s before fame

Before Thelma Riley became known to many, she was just like any other girl with big dreams. Thelma lived a simple life, enjoying things like playing outside, drawing, and spending time with her family and friends.

She loved learning new things and always had a bright smile on her face. Thelma was very creative and enjoyed making up stories and playing pretend. Every day was a new adventure for her, filled with laughter and joy.

She believed in kindness and helping others, showing everyone around her how important it is to care. Thelma’s early days were full of fun, learning, and love, making her the amazing person she is today.

Thelma Riley career

Thelma Riley had many interesting jobs during her life. Imagine having a job where you can be as creative as you want, like painting beautiful pictures or teaching others new things.

Thelma was like that; she did different kinds of work that made her happy and helped her family. Sometimes she worked in places where she could meet new people and learn fun stuff every day.

Just like when you help out at home or learn something new at school, Thelma was always busy creating and learning. Her jobs were part of the adventure in her life’s storybook, making every day exciting and full of surprises.

Thelma Riley net worth

Thelma Riley has saved up a treasure chest like a pirate, but instead of gold coins, she has dollars! Through working in many different jobs and being super smart with her money, she has collected about $1 million.

Imagine all the toys and ice cream that could buy! But Thelma knows the best treasures are the ones you share with others, like love and kindness.

Her treasure chest shows us that hard work and taking care of our pennies can lead to a big mountain of savings, ready for any adventure that comes our way.

Reflecting on Thelma Riley’s Legacy and impact

Thelma Riley shows us all how to be brave and kind, even when things get tough. She’s like a hero in her own story, helping and loving others every day.

Thelma teaches us that being nice and working hard are super powers we all can have. She’s made her mark by being a wonderful mom and by sharing her smile and heart with the world.

Thelma’s life tells us a beautiful story of love, strength, and kindness. It’s like she’s sprinkled magic everywhere, reminding us to care for our families and friends and to always be our best selves.

Thelma Riley famous reason

Thelma Riley became famous because she married a man named Ozzy Osbourne, who sings songs and was in a band. Many people knew Ozzy because of his music, and when Thelma married him, she became known too.

It’s like if you had a friend who was really good at something, like soccer or singing, and by being their friend, more people got to know you.

Riley and Ozzy’s story is interesting to people because it’s a bit like a fairy tale where the princess is known for her connection to the prince.

Thelma Riley nationality and religion

Thelma Riley was born in a beautiful place called the United Kingdom, which makes her British. It’s like being from a magical kingdom with castles and knights!

She grew up in a family that believed in being kind and doing good things, which is what Christianity teaches. She is a Christian.

Think of it as learning to be a superhero who helps others and always tries to do the right thing. Thelma’s story shows us that no matter where we come from or what we believe, we can all be kind and caring, just like characters in our favorite fairy tales.

Thelma Riley hobbies

  • Gardening: Creating a magical space filled with colorful flowers and friendly birds.
  • Painting: Bringing her imagination to life on canvas, capturing beauty and emotion.
  • Reading: Exploring new worlds and ideas through a vast collection of books.
  • Cooking: Experimenting with recipes to delight family and friends with delicious meals.
  • Crafting: Engaging in various crafting projects to decorate her home and gift to loved ones.
  • Walking: Enjoying nature and staying active by exploring scenic paths and trails.

Interesting facts about Thelma Riley

  • Music Video Appearance**: Thelma had a brief appearance in one of Ozzy Osbourne’s early music videos, showcasing her support for his career.
  • Private Person**: Despite her connection to fame, Thelma has always preferred to keep her personal life away from the public eye, valuing privacy over celebrity status.
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit**: She once owned and operated a successful small business, demonstrating her versatility and business acumen.
  • Philanthropy**: Thelma is known to have a generous heart, contributing to various local charities and community services, often without seeking recognition.
  • Education Advocate**: She is passionate about education and has been involved in initiatives to support local schools, emphasizing the importance of learning and development for children.
  • Lifelong Learner**: Thelma has taken various courses over the years to continue her education, ranging from art classes to business management.


What was Thelma Riley famous for?

Thelma became well-known because she was married to Ozzy Osbourne, a singer in a band.

Did Thelma and Ozzy have any children?

Yes, they had kids and their family was like a storybook adventure.

Is Thelma Riley tall?

Yes, she is pretty tall, like a queen from fairy tales.

What does Thelma love to do?

Thelma loves gardening, painting, reading, cooking, and going for walks. It’s like she’s on a treasure hunt for fun activities!

Did Thelma work?

Yes, Thelma had different jobs that were all exciting, just like going on adventures.


In wrapping up our magical journey about Thelma Riley, we’ve learned so much! From her early days filled with dreams and play, to her adventures as a mom and beyond, Thelma’s story is like a fairy tale that’s real.

She shows us the power of kindness, hard work, and how to keep smiling, even on rainy days. Thelma teaches us that every one of us can be heroes in our own stories, just by caring for others and never giving up.

Remember, it’s not about how famous you are, but how big your heart is. Thelma’s tale reminds us to always be the best version of ourselves.


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