Owen Bakula Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Owen Bakula Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Owen Bakula the son of famous actors Scott Bakula and Chelsea Field, was born in 1999 in the United States. As of 2024, Owen is a 23-year-old young man with a bright future ahead of him. He comes from a mixed ethnic background, with his father of German descent. His weight is 78kgheight 5 feet 8 inches and net worth from $16 million to $20 million.

Owen’s zodiac sign is Scorpio, known for its determination and ambition. While not much is known about his personal life, it is clear that Owen comes from a talented and successful family. With his parents’ successful acting careers, it wouldn’t be surprising if Owen followed in their footsteps.

Who is Owen Bakula?

He’s a young man who was born in 1999. That makes him 23 years old now! His parents are famous actors, how cool is that? His dad’s name is Scott Bakula, and his mom is Chelsea Field. Owen has a brother, too! His brother’s name is Wil. Just like you, Owen is unique and special. He has his interests, dreams, and adventures. Though we don’t know much about him because he likes to keep his life private, Owen Bakula is fascinating to learn about!


Category Details
Name Owen Bakula
Date of Birth 1999
Age 23 (as of 2024)
Nationality American
Ethnicity Mixed; Father of German descent
Height 5 feet 8 inches
Weight 78 kg
Net Worth $16 million to $20 million
Parents Scott Bakula and Chelsea Field
Siblings Wil Bakula
Early Life and Education Grew up in the U.S.; Attended school and engaged in typical childhood activities
Career Not publicly detailed; Possible fields include acting, science, sports, or other interests
Social Media Presence Not extensively documented; Likely maintains a private profile
Physical Appearance Generally private details; Known height and weight
Hobbies and Interests Sports: Soccer, basketball, etc.
Movies: Interest in films, possibly influenced by parents
Music: Listening to or creating music
Reading: Enjoyment of books and literature
Cooking: Experimenting with recipes
Pets: Potential interest in caring for pets
Interesting Facts – Parents are famous actors; Scott Bakula and Chelsea Field
– Zodiac sign is Scorpio, known for determination and ambition
– Mixed heritage, including German roots from his father
Legacy and Impact Potential to make a significant impact through various career paths and personal contributions


Early Life and Education

Owen Bakula was a little boy just like you once! He was born in 1999, which is probably before you were born. He grew up in the United States, a big country with many cities and towns. Maybe he liked to play at the park or read books when he was little.

Owen also went to school, just like you do now. He might have learned how to read, write, and solve math problems at school. He probably had homework and made friends. We don’t know his school, but he learned a lot and had fun!

parents and siblings

Owen Bakula has an incredible family! His mom and dad are both superstars. His dad is Scott Bakula, and his mom is Chelsea Field. They are both famous actors. That’s like having superheroes as parents! Imagine having a mom and dad who act in movies and on TV. Owen also has a brother named Wil. Brothers can be lots of fun. They can play games, share toys, and tell each other secrets. Remember, like Owen Bakula’s family, every family is special and unique.

Wife and Girlfriend

You might be wondering if Owen Bakula has a husband or a boyfriend. It’s a good question! Since Owen likes to keep his life private, we don’t have an answer for you. Remember, everyone’s love story is special and unique. It doesn’t matter if you have a husband, a wife, a boyfriend, or a girlfriend.

What’s important is that you’re happy and loved. Maybe Owen is still waiting for his special someone, or he’s already found them! Either way, as long as he’s happy, that’s all that matters. Remember, respecting people’s privacy is always important, especially regarding their love life.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

If you guessed 23, you’re right! He was born in 1999, which makes him 23 years old now. That’s a good question! But remember, Owen keeps his life private. This means we don’t know his exact height 5 feet 8 inches or weight 78kg. Just like you, Owen is unique! He might have brown hair or blue eyes. Or maybe his hair is black, and his eyes are green.


That’s a great question! Since Owen keeps his life private, we need clear information about his career. But we can make some guesses! With his parents being famous actors, maybe Owen has decided to follow in their footsteps and become an actor. Or perhaps he’s chosen a completely different path! He could be a scientist discovering new things, a teacher helping kids learn, or a chef making yummy food.

He may be an artist, creating beautiful paintings or drawings. Perhaps he’s a musician, making music that makes people happy. Or he could be a writer, creating stories that take us on amazing adventures. There are so many possibilities! Even though we don’t know what Owen’s career is, we know that he’ll be great at whatever he chooses!

Owen Bakula  Before fame

Owen Bakula was like before he became known as the son of famous actors. Picture a young boy who loved playing in the park, reading books, or drawing pictures. Maybe he liked to play soccer with his friends or pretend to be a superhero saving the world. His days were likely filled with school, homework, and spending time with his family.

He might have had a pet he loved caring for, or perhaps he enjoyed helping his mom or dad cook dinner. Like you, he had favorite toys, books, and games. Even though we don’t know all the details about Owen’s life before fame, we can imagine he was a kid just like any other. 

Owen Bakula  Social Media Presence

Owen Bakula may have social media accounts just like many of us do. Social media is like a fun playground on the internet where we can share photos, write messages, and see what our friends are up to. Some popular social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Maybe Owen likes to post pictures of his favorite meals or share funny moments with his friends.

He might also use social media to talk about things he cares about, like helping animals or protecting the environment. Since he’s a private person, it’s also possible that he doesn’t use social media a lot. Remember, respecting someone’s privacy online is always important, just like we would in person. We are still determining what Owen Bakula’s social media presence is like, but it’s fun to imagine!

Owen Bakula  Net Worth and Achievements

Since we don’t have specific information about what Owen does for a living, we can’t tell how much money he has. Remember, net worth from $16 million to $20 million is the value of everything someone owns, like houses or cars, minus what they owe, like loans.

But we know that his parents are very successful actors, so it’s safe to assume that Owen has had a comfortable life. As for achievements, we can only share a short list of accomplishments because Owen keeps his life private. But let’s think about the possibilities!

He could be a great student, winning awards at school. He might be good at sports and have medals from competitions. Or he’s a fantastic artist, creating beautiful drawings or paintings. And who knows, he might have followed his parents’ footsteps and already started his acting career. 

Owen Bakula  Legacy and Impact

Owen Bakula may still be young, but there’s no doubt he’s making his mark in the world. Just like his parents, who are famous actors, he has the potential to inspire many people with his talents. He could become a fantastic actor, a sports star, or a writer! Even though we don’t know exactly what he’s up to now, imagine this: Owen could use his skills to make a difference in people’s lives.

He could help others by volunteering or creating beautiful pieces of art that make people happy. He could use fame to bring attention to important causes, like helping animals or saving the planet. No matter what he’s doing, it’s clear that Owen Bakula has the chance to leave a powerful legacy. His impact could be far-reaching, changing the world in ways we can’t even imagine. So, let’s watch as his journey unfolds. One thing is sure 


Sports: Owen could love playing soccer, basketball, or other sports. 

Movies: With famous actor parents, he might enjoy watching or even making movies!

Music: Listening to pop songs or rock music might be something he loves.

Reading: Owen might love reading books and learning new things.

Cooking: Experimenting in the kitchen and trying new recipes could be fun.

Pets: If Owen has a pet, spending time with it could be his favorite!

Favorite Thing

Movies: With his parents being famous actors, Owen might love watching movies. He might even have a favorite actor or actress.

Sports: Like many young men his age, Owen may enjoy playing or watching sports. Soccer, basketball, or even surfing could be his favorite. 

Music: Whether listening to the latest pop songs or enjoying classic rock, music could be something Owen loves.

Reading: Perhaps Owen is a bookworm and enjoys diving into different stories and worlds. He might have a favorite author or book series.

Cooking: Many people enjoy cooking as a hobby. Owen might love experimenting with different recipes and flavors.

Pets: If Owen has a pet at home, this could easily be his favorite thing. Pets are not only cute, but they also bring so much joy and happiness.

Interesting Facts About

  • His parents are famous! Owen’s dad, Scott Bakula, is a famous actor.
  • His mom, Chelsea Field, is also a well-known actress. It’s like having superstars in your family!
  • Owen has a brother. His name is Wil. Having a sibling to play with and share secrets must be fun!
  • Owen is half-German. This means one of his parents comes from Germany.
  • It’s interesting to have roots in different countries!
  • His zodiac sign is Scorpio. People who are Scorpios are known for being brave and passionate.
  • Owen is an American. This means he was born and lives in the United States.
  • We have yet to learn much about Owen’s career, but with parents like his, he can do anything he wants! From acting to sports to writing, the sky’s the limit.


Who are Owen Bakula’s parents?

Owen’s mom and dad are both famous actors! His dad’s name is Scott Bakula, and his mom’s name is Chelsea Field.

Does Owen Bakula have any siblings?

Yes, he does! Owen has a brother named Wil.

How old is Owen Bakula?

Owen was born in 1999, so he is now 23 years old.

Where does Owen Bakula live?

Owen was born in the United States, so that’s likely where he lives. But remember, people can move so that they can live somewhere else now.

What does Owen Bakula do?

That’s a mystery! Owen keeps his life private, so we are still determining what he does for work. But with his parents being actors, he might be an actor too!

Does Owen Bakula have any pets?

Owen may have pets. But lots of people have pets, so maybe he does too!

What are some things Owen Bakula might like?

There are so many possibilities! He might like playing sports, reading books, cooking, or spending time with a pet. 

Where is Scott Bakula now?
Today, he lives in Los Angeles, California and has a farm in upstate New York.
What is Scott Bakula famous for?
Bakula played Dr. Sam Beckett, a physicist who was trapped by a malfunction of his time machine to correct things gone wrong in the past. He won a Golden Globe in 1992 for Best Performance by an Actor in a TV series – Drama for Quantum Leap (1989) and was nominated for a Tony Award in 1988.


While we don’t know everything about him, we’ve learned a lot! We found out he’s the son of two famous actors, has a brother, and is the same age as some of your older brothers or sisters! But what’s most exciting is that Owen’s adventure is just beginning.

We can’t wait to see what amazing things he will do! As we follow Owen’s story, let’s remember to celebrate our own unique stories too. Because just like Owen Bakula, each one of us is unique and has the power to do great things!


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