Rachel Cruze Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Rachel Cruze Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Rachel Cruze is a financial expert and successful speaker known for her valuable insights on managing money. Born in April  25, 1988, she is currently 36 years old. Dave Ramsey, a renowned financial expert. Cruze lea father’s importance of living within her means and staying out of debt with her father’s guidance. She is Weight 55 kg and Height 5fit 6 inches. Rachel Cruze net worth (approx.) $3 million .

In 2024, she continues to share her knowledge and experiences with others, helping them achieve financial freedom and success.


Category Details
Full Name Rachel Cruze
Birthdate April 25, 1988
Age 36 years old (as of 2024)
Height 5 feet 6 inches
Weight 55 kg
Net Worth Approximately $3 million
Profession Financial Expert, Speaker, Author
Parents Dave Ramsey (Father), details about her mother and siblings are private
Husband Married (details private)
Education Learned about money management from a young age, thanks to her father, Dave Ramsey
Early Life Grew up learning about financial management at home
Career Author of financial books, TV appearances, online presence, public speaker
Books Writes books providing practical advice on saving money and avoiding debt
Achievements Successful author and speaker, helps people achieve financial freedom
Hobbies Reading, cooking, walking, drawing, coloring, playing board games
Favorite Things Cozy blankets, chocolate chip cookies, sunny days, drawing in her journal, puppies, stargazing
Interesting Facts Learned about money at a very young age from her father, enjoys teaching financial literacy
Social Media Presence Active on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, sharing financial tips and advice
Future Plans Continue educating people about money management, write more books, travel and share knowledge
– Learning About Money Learned from her father, Dave Ramsey
– Teaching Kids Enjoys teaching everyone, including kids, about financial literacy
– Fun Activities Reading, cooking, walking, drawing, and playing board games
FAQ – Favorite Snack Chocolate chip cookies
FAQ – Learning From Rachel Shares tips on social media and in her books

Who is Rachel Cruze?

Rachel Cruze is a lady who knows a lot about how to use money wisely. Her dad, Dave Ramsey, is also super smart about money and taught Rachel everything he knows. Rachel loves sharing tips and tricks on how to save money and not spend too much.

She talks to people all over, telling them cool stories and ideas on having a happy life without owing money to anyone. She is not just smart; she also friendly and loves to help others learn how to be good with their money, just like she is.

Rachel Cruze Early Life and Education

Rachel Cruze grew up in a house where talking about money was as normal as talking about what’s for dinner. Her dad, Dave Ramsey, made sure Rachel knew all about saving and not spending more than you have from a young age. Because of this, Rachel became super smart about money, just like a mini-expert when she was still a kid! She went to school just like everyone else and worked hard.

She listened to her teachers and did her homework, always remembering what her dad taught her about being wise with money. Growing up this way helped Rachel become the amazing speaker and teacher about money today. She didn’t just learn from books; she learned from real life, too!

Rachel Cruze Parents and Siblings

Rachel Cruze has a dad named Dave Ramsey, who is super smart about money. He loves teaching people how not to owe money and be happy with what they have. Rachel learned all about saving and not spending too much from him. She has a family that’s just as cool.

While we talk much about her dad, Rachel has a mom and siblings, but their adventures and stories are more private. Rachel’s family is as important as your family is to you. They all support each other and love learning from Dad Dave’ wisdom about money and life.

Rachel Cruze Husband and Boyfriend

Rachel Cruze has a special someone in her life, her husband, who she loves very much. They met, fell in love, and decided to spend their lives together. It’s like a fairy tale where the princess finds her prince.

They had a big, beautiful wedding surrounded by friends and family, and they always promised to help and support each other. Like in stories, they share adventures, learn from each other, and work together to be the best they can be.   

Rachel Cruze Age, Weight, Height, and Physical appearance

Rachel Cruze is like a superhero when it comes to knowing about money, but she also looks just like any other person you might meet! A grown-up lady, which means she’s all done growing taller. She is Weight 55 kg and Height 5fit 6 inches People come in all different sizes, and Rachel is just the right size for everything she loves to do, like talking to people and sharing her smart money tips.

She was born in April  25, 1988 she is currently 36 years old . When you see her, you might notice her bright eyes, full of kindness and excitement about teaching others. She takes care of herself, which helps her stay strong and ready for her adventures in helping people learn about money.

Rachel Cruze Before Fame

 Rachel Cruze became a money-smart hero, she was a little girl with big dreams. Even before she learned to give awesome money advice, imagine a young Rachel. Back then, she loved playing, just like you do! She enjoyed spending time with her family; even as a kid, she was curious about everything.

Her dad, Dave Ramsey, taught her about money when she was very small. Rachel didn’t have a magic wand or a superhero cape, but she had something special her curiosity and lessons. She listened and learned from stories about saving and not spending too much. Even before becoming famous, Rachel was getting ready to help others, learning one money lesson at a time. Just imagine a young girl with a big smile, dreaming of someday helping people like you with her money wisdom.

Rachel Cruze Career

Rachel Cruze became a superstar at teaching people about money. She didn’t start famous, but she worked hard. When Rachel grew up, she used her super-smart money skills to help others. She writes books like treasure maps, leading to a land where no one owes money. Rachel also talks on TV and the internet, sharing her secrets about saving and being happy with what you have.   

Rachel turned her childhood lessons into a mission: to ensure everyone knows how to care for their money and live a great life without worrying about bills. She’s like a superhero, but instead of a cape, she has a calculator and a smile, ready to teach the world about money.

Rachel Cruze Net Worth and Achievements

Rachel Cruze has done amazing things that make her almost like a superhero in the world of money. She has written books like Secret Guides to help people save money and not owe anyone. Imagine having a book that shows you how to keep your piggy bank full. She is net worth (approx.) $3 million .

Plus, she talks to people everywhere, from small rooms to big stages, sharing her smart money ideas. Even though we don’t talk about exactly how much money Rachel has, like counting every penny in her piggy bank, we know she’s done well because she helps so many people learn about money. And helping people, that’s a big win.

Future Plains

Rachel Cruze has some super exciting plans for the future! She wants to keep teaching kids and grown-ups about how to be superstars with their money. Imagine a world where everyone knows how to save and spend wisely, just like Rachel. She’s thinking about writing more fun books like treasure hunts for smart money tips.

Also, Rachel plans to travel to new places, meet more friends, and share her money-saving magic with them. She’s like a money superhero trying to fill every one’ piggy banks with happiness and smart choices. Watch because future adventures will be awesome and help everyone learn to be great with money!

Social Media Presence

Rachel Cruze also loves sharing her smart money tips in person and online! She’s active on places like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, where she posts cool videos and messages to help people learn about saving money. Rachel also has a YouTube channel filled with fun videos that teach you how to be good with your cash.

It’s like having a money teacher right on your computer or phone! She enjoys showing off her money-saving tricks and chatting with her fans online, making learning about money fun and easy. So, if you like being on the internet, you can learn a lot from Rachel’ social media pages!


  • Rachel loves to read books. She finds big adventures and fun stories on the pages, which help her learn new things.
  • She enjoys cooking. Mixing ingredients is like a magic potion for yummy food. Rachel likes to try new recipes and make delicious meals for her friends and family. 
  • Going for walks is one of her favorite things to do. She loves to explore nature, see beautiful flowers, and listen to the birds sing.
  • Rachel also likes drawing and coloring. It’s fun for her to create pictures with lots of colors and make her ideas come to life on paper.
  • Playing board games with her family is super fun. They laugh, plan, and sometimes compete to win the game. A happy time for everyone.

Favorite Things

  • Rachel loves cozy blankets. She wraps up in them when she reads or watches movies, feeling all warm and snug. 
  • Chocolate chip cookies are her favorite snack. She enjoys the sweet and yummy taste and sometimes bakes them herself for an extra fun treat.
  • Sunny days make Rachel happy. She likes it when the sun shines bright, and she can go outside to play or sit and feel the warmth on her face.
  • Drawing in her journal is a fun hobby. Rachel uses colorful pens to doodle and write about her day, making her memories extra special.
  • Puppies! Rachel thinks puppies are the cutest. She loves their soft fur and happy barks. Playing with them is the best kind of fun.
  • Stars in the night sky fascinate Rachel. She likes to look up and imagine visiting faraway galaxies, dreaming about all the adventures she could have.

Interesting Facts About

  • Rachel Cruze learned about money when she was super young, thanks to her smart dad, Dave Ramsey. Imagine knowing how to save up for a toy without asking anyone for money!
  • She loves talking to people, big and small, about saving and spending wisely. It’s like she’s on a mission to make everyone a money genius!
  • Rachel has a big heart for helping families have fun without worrying about money. She thinks everyone should be able to enjoy life, even on a piggy bank budget.
  • Even though Rachel teaches about money, she has fun hobbies like reading and cooking. She believes learning new things and having fun are both super important.
  • My favorite snack is chocolate chip cookies. Imagine how yummy her kitchen smells when she bakes them!


How did Rachel learn about money?

She learned from her dad, Dave Ramsey, who knows much about not spending too much and saving up.

Does Rachel like to teach kids about money?

She loves teaching everyone, including kids, so they can be smart with their money, too!

What does Rachel do for fun?

Rachel enjoys reading books, cooking, walking, drawing, and playing board games with her family.

What Rachel’s favorite snack?

She loves chocolate chip cookies. They’re sweet and yummy!

Can I learn about money from Rachel?

Yes, you can! Rachel shares many tips on her social media and in her books so you can learn to be good with money, just like her.


Rachel Cruze is like a superhero with a calculator instead of a cape. She teaches us that knowing about money can be fun and important. Rachel learned from her dad, Dave Ramsey, and now she shares her wisdom with the world, helping everyone become money-smart. Whether it’s through her books, talks, or online videos.

So, remember, like Rachel, you can be smart with your money and have fun too. She’s proof that with a little knowledge and many smiles, managing money isn’t just for grown-ups but also kids. Let’s be like Rachel and become money superheroes in our own right!


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