Kali Uchis Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Kali Uchis

Kali Uchis is a well-known American singer and songwriter who has captured the hearts of many with her incredible talent and beauty. She was born on July 17, 1994, which means she is currently 29 years old. At the young age of 18, Kali released her debut mixtape, “Drunken Babble,” and since then, she has achieved great success in her career.

In 2014, she collaborated with Snoop Dogg on her hit single “On Edge,” which gained her widespread recognition. With her captivating voice and unique style, Kali has won a Grammy Award and has become a rising star in the music industry. Standing at 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighing 50kg, and with a net worth of $5 million, Kali Uchis continues to inspire and entertain her fans with her incredible talent.

Who is Kali Uchis?

Kali Uchis is a very talented lady who makes beautiful music for people to enjoy. She was born on a sunny day in July, and when she was just a little older than you, she began creating her songs. Kali has a special gift for singing and writing music, which has made her very popular.

She’s also known for making excellent videos that go with her songs. Kali loves to sing in both English and Spanish, which means she can share her music with even more people around the world. She has worked really hard and has become a favorite singer for many!


Name: Kali Uchis

Birth date: July 17, 1994

Age: currently 29 years old

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Real Name

Kali Uchis might sound like a name from a fairy tale, but it’s not her real name! Her real name is Karly-Marina Loaiza. When she decided to become a singer, she chose “Kali Uchis” as her stage name because it’s unique and memorable, just like her music.

Kali Uchis

Just like you might have a nickname that your friends or family call you, Kali Uchis is the name she shares with the world when she sings and performs. It’s a unique name for an extraordinary lady who loves making music for everyone to enjoy.

Early Life and Education

Kali Uchis grew up in Virginia, United States. She was a very creative girl, just like some of you! Kali has loved music and art since she was very young. She went to school just like you, but she always knew she wanted to make music. Kali also spent some time living in Colombia, which is a beautiful country where her family comes from.

This helped her learn about different kinds of music and cultures. School was important for Kali because it helped her become the incredible singer she is today. She listened, learned, and then sang her heart out!

Parents and Siblings

Kali Uchis has a loving family that has always supported her dreams. She was born to parents who come from Colombia, a colorful and vibrant country. This is where her love for music and different cultures started. Kali has a close bond with her family, including any brothers or sisters she may have.

They all share fun times, and her family is very proud of all she has achieved. Growing up, Kali’s family helped her to believe in herself and to follow her heart in making music that touches people’s lives.


Kali Uchis likes to keep her personal life private, which means she doesn’t talk much about her boyfriend or who she’s dating. Just like when you have a secret friend that you might only tell your best buddy about. She thinks it’s essential to focus on her music and all the fun things she loves to do.

Sometimes, grown-ups like to keep some things just for themselves, and that’s okay. It’s like having a special toy that you only share with certain people. She believes in sharing her music with the world but keeps some parts of her life just for her.

Kali Uchis Age, Height, Weight, and Physical Appearance

Kali Uchis is 29 years old, which is like counting up to 29 in a really long game of hide-and-seek. She is as tall as five rulers stacked end to end, plus a little more— that’s 5 feet and 6 inches tall. Kali weighs about the same as 50 bags of sugar, but in kilograms, that’s 50kg.

When you see her, she always looks bright and colorful, kind of like a rainbow after it rains. She has a way of dressing and doing her hair that’s all her own, making her stand out just like a beautiful flower in a big garden.

Kali Uchis Before Fame

Before Kali Uchis was a famous singer, she was a girl with big dreams. She always loved music and arts. Kali used to make songs in her room, using simple things like a keyboard and a microphone. It was like playing with toys but making music instead!

She also made little videos, almost like putting on plays with friends or toys. Kali’s love for music grew more prominent as she did. She was like a tiny seed that grew into a beautiful flower with her hard work and passion for music. Kali’s journey to fame started right in her room, showing us that dreams start small.

Kali Uchis Career

Kali Uchis began her music journey with a mixtape called “Drunken Babble” when she was just 18 years old. She sang songs, and people loved them. Kali also sang with famous singers like Snoop Dogg and made more music that people enjoyed.

She creates music that mixes different sounds, making something special. Kali sings in both English and Spanish, making her music extra special because more people can understand and enjoy it. She has made many songs and albums, sharing her talent with the world and making people happy with her music. She Uchis is a star in the music sky.

Kali Uchis Net Worth and Achievement and Awards

Kali Uchis has worked really hard in her music career and has some excellent awards to show for it. Imagine you made a beautiful drawing or did super well in a game, and you got a shiny star sticker or a trophy. That’s like what Kali got, but it’s even bigger! She won a Grammy Award, which is an extraordinary prize for musicians.

It’s like being told you’re the best singer out of lots and lots of people. Plus, she has made $5 million from singing songs and making music videos. That’s a lot of money, kind of like having a giant piggy bank that’s filled to the top! She shows us that when you love doing something and work really hard at it, you can achieve big dreams and even win awards.

Kali Uchis Nationality And Religion

Kali Uchis comes from a place called Virginia in the United States, making her American. But, because her family is from Colombia, she also feels a deep connection to Colombia and loves it very much. It’s like having two homes where your heart belongs.

About her religion, Kali Uchis keeps it pretty private, just like some things you keep just to yourself or only share with your very best friend. People believe in different things, and what’s most important is being kind and loving what you do, just like Kali.

Kali Uchis Legacy and Impact

Kali Uchis is like a superhero in the world of music. She shows everyone, especially girls, that they can follow their dreams and be successful. Her songs bring happiness to people all around the world, and her story inspires others to make their dreams come true.

Kali mixes different music styles and sings in two languages, making her music memorable for everyone. By being herself and sharing her love for music, Kali helps make the world a brighter place with her songs. She’s a shining example of how being creative and kind can leave a significant mark on the world.

What’s Next for Kali Uchis?

Kali Uchis is always full of surprises, just like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. She’s planning to make more music that we can all dance and sing along to. Imagine more songs that can be your favorites, playing them over and over until you know all the words. Kali is also thinking about going on a big adventure, maybe traveling to places she’s never been before and sharing her music with even more people around the world.

Just like when you explore new playgrounds. She might also make more beautiful videos for her songs, kind of like making a storybook come to life. So, keep your eyes and ears open because Kali Uchis will be bringing more music and stories that will make you smile and dance. Isn’t it exciting to think about what she’ll do next?


  • Kali Uchis loves to sing. She sings all the time, even when she is not on stage.
  • She enjoys drawing. Kali creates beautiful pictures with her pencils and colors.
  • Traveling is another hobby of hers. Kali travels to different places to see new things and meet new people.
  • Kali likes to dance. Dancing makes her happy and keeps her fit.
  • Reading books is something Kali enjoys in her quiet time. She learns a lot from the stories she reads.
  • Kali also loves to spend time in nature. She likes to go for walks and admire the beauty around her.

Interesting Facts About Kali Uchis 

  • Kali Uchis started making music when she was very young, almost like when you start second grade!
  • She can sing in two languages – English and Spanish. Imagine talking and singing to friends in two different ways!
  • Kali made her first songs in her room, using just a keyboard and a microphone. It’s like how you play and create things in your room!
  • She loves making music videos. Think of it as drawing your stories but with videos.
  • Kali has a big heart for helping others. She once helped make a music program for kids who want to learn music but don’t have the chance.
  • Her music is like a mix of different flavors – some from the past (old-school) and some new, which makes it really cool to listen to.
  • Kali’s favorite color is pink, which you might notice in a lot of her outfits and pictures.


What does Kali Uchis do?

Kali Uchis sings songs and makes music. She also creates cool videos for her music.

How did Kali Uchis start making music?

She started making music in her room with just a keyboard and a microphone, almost like playing in your room!

Can Kali Uchis sing in different languages?

Yes, she can sing in English and Spanish. It’s like being able to talk and sing to more friends in different ways!

What are some things Kali Uchis likes to do?

She loves to sing, draw, travel, dance, read books, and spend time outside. It’s like going on adventures and discovering new things!

Does Kali Uchis help others?

Yes, she helped make a music program for kids who want to learn music but don’t have the chance. It’s like sharing toys with friends who don’t have any.

What’s Kali Uchis’s favorite color?

Her favorite color is pink. You might see it in her clothes and the pictures!


Kali Uchis is a super-talented singer who shares her beautiful songs with the world. She started making music when she was very young, just like how some of you might start learning something new! Kali can sing in both English and Spanish, which is really cool because it means she can share her music with even more people. She loves doing many things like drawing, traveling, dancing, reading, and being in nature.

Kali also cares a lot about helping others, especially kids who want to learn music. Remember, Kali’s favorite color is pink, and you can see it in many things she wears or shows. She’s done a lot of amazing things, and there’s still so much more she wants to do. Kali Uchis shows us that with hard work and love for what you do, you can create beautiful things and make the world a better place. Isn’t that awesome?


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